Prison Bake

Errrr what!?

Put simply, Prison Bake is a course of baking lessons that teaches participants much more than just how to combine ingredients.

Good Bitches Baking’s kaupapa is to enable people to spread kindness through the mechanism of baking. We operate from a no-judgment, all-access platform, and have developed our Prison Bake programme to give some often pretty disenfranchised members of our community some more tools to use when they rejoin that community.

What happens though?

A group of GBB volunteers will show up at the facility every week for six weeks to teach a group of people nearing the end of their term how to make some sweet treats.

Alongside the practicalities of sifting and oven temperature, we’ll teach them some intangible skills about kindness - what it means to be kind, how it feels to be kind, and yes, that they can be kind too. You might be surprised how many people don’t know that last one.

The participants share some of the baking after each class, but crucially, most of it is donated to an organisation that supports people having a tough time. This is one of the key elements of the programme.

There’s lots of layers to this programme (more than your great nan’s best afternoon tea sponge cake) - we think of it as opening the circle of kindness.

Prison Bake around Aotearoa

We're in discussion with corrections facilities in a few places around Aotearoa but if you're interested in the idea of Prison Bake at a facility near you, please get in touch. 

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