Business Bitching
Our network of volunteers all over Aotearoa bakes treats for people having a tough time in our community.
No judgement or expectation, we just want to share a moment of kindness, to offer a small respite from whatever their troubles are. We don’t claim to fix anyone’s world but we know that treats from our Good Bitches help people to feel connected and cared for during a tough time.

How does that relate to my organisation we hear you ask!
Well, Good Bitches come in all forms, whether they’re individuals, classes of high school students, community groups – or businesses with a team that wants to sprinkle some kindness around their community.
We have two ways that you can do some Business Bitching...

If you're looking for a great way to get your team engaged with your business's charitable donation process, we can organise you a spot on our roster - your team will bake some treats that we’ll distribute to our recipient organisations in your community. Your team can be as involved as feels right with the process through to delivery - this will be determined in conversation with the recipient organisation and the chapter committee.
It takes some behind-the-scenes organising to get you onto our roster, so please do plan to get in touch at least 8 weeks ahead of time, especially if you have a particular date in mind to mark like your business birthday or Christmas or a staff milestone. Your donation covers the costs associated and will also go a tremendous way to help us keep the ovens on and the beaters beating to spread kindness around Aotearoa.

Or you can host a super fun team building event through our good friends at Social Cooking in Auckland.
The baking session, guided by the Social Cooking team, will give your team a taste of what it means to be a Good Bitch. The baking will be distributed to one of our recipient organisations (after your team has quality checked it of course!).
There's more information about this below.

Will anyone else know about it?
As well as the warm fuzzies that come from playing an active part in your community’s resilience and wellbeing, we also offer a little bit of tangible goodness in the form of helping to tell your story to our GBB community.
All Business Bitches will be mentioned at least once on our national social media channels (as well as the chapter’s Facebook page if they have one). We’d love to do this in a way that’s meaningful to you, so it’s a proper chance to explain how and why your business is a Good Bitch.
Keen? Curious? Cautiously interested?