About GBB Whangārei

Head Bitch – Kathrine Rice

Established – November 2019

Email whangarei@gbb.org.nz

Whangārei Good Bitches have a couple of options for baking and delivery:

  1. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - bakers bake AND deliver to recipient organisations
  2. Thursday - bakers bake AND deliver to our recipient organisations in Bream Bay
  3. Sunday - if you’re not up for delivery, Sunday baking is collected by our drivers who drop it to our recipient organisations.

Recipient organisations:

  • Barnardos — Feb24
  • North Haven Hospice — Feb24
  • Bream Bay Community Support Trust — May23
  • Whānau Āwhina Plunket — Jan23
  • Alzhiemers Northland — Feb21
  • Cancer Society Northland — Feb21
  • Kind Hands Respite Care — Feb21
  • Women's Refuge Safe Houses — Feb21

572 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

65 Good Bitches

8 recipient organisations

$54,626 is the financial value of these boxes

GBB Whangārei is supported by
