About GBB Warkworth

Head Bitches – Jenny Bowen & Sue McKinney

Established – December 2018

Email warkworth@gbb.org.nz

Warkworth bakers have their baking collected on Sunday —  Thursday by drivers who deliver it to our recipient organisations.

Recipient organisations:

  • Parkinsons Support Group Rodney — Apr24
  • Dementia Auckland — Apr24
  • Rodney Stroke Group — Mar24
  • Abuse Prevention Services — Sep23
  • Hestia Rodney Women's Refuge — Sep22
  • Homebuilders Family Services — Sep22
  • Women's Centre Rodney — Apr21

383 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

36 Good Bitches

8 recipient organisations

$36,577 is the financial value of these boxes