About GBB Tīmaru

Head Bitch – Richard Doran

Established – July 2019

Email timaru@gbb.org.nz

Tīmaru bakers have their baking collected on Thursday and Sunday by drivers for delivery to our recipient organisations.

Recipient organisations:

  • Plunket Giving People Support — Dec23
  • Grandparents Raising grandchildren — Oct23
  • Mōkihi Hauora - Caroline House — Mar23
  • Refugee Settlement Services — Jan23
  • Hospice — Mar21
  • Timaru Women's Refuge — Mar21

339 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

45 Good Bitches

6 recipient organisations

$32,375 is the financial value of these boxes

GBB Tīmaru is supported by

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