About GBB Ōamaru

Head Bitch – Alice Read

Established – March 2020

Email oamaru@gbb.org.nz

Ōamaru Good Bitches bake and deliver to recipient organisations on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Recipient organisations:

  • Able Minds — May24
  • North Otago Rural Midwives — Feb24
  • Oamaru Kindergarten Family Support — Jul22
  • Anglican Family Care/Oceans — Aug21
  • Community Perinatal Support North Otago Plunket — Apr21
  • Age Concern — Mar21
  • Cancer Society — Feb21
  • Family Works North Otago — Feb21

219 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

25 Good Bitches

8 recipient organisations

$20,915 is the financial value of these boxes

GBB Ōamaru is supported by

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