About GBB Kāpiti

Head Bitch – Therese O’Sullivan

Established – January 2019

Email kapiti@gbb.org.nz

Kāpiti Good Bitches bake AND deliver to recipient organisations in: 

  1. Paraparaumu on Monday — Thursday
  2. Waikanae on Tuesday and Thursday
  3. Ōtaki on Wednesday and Thursday

Recipient organisations:

  • The Kapiti Kiwis Network Group — Feb24
  • Whanau Wellbeing Hub — Feb24
  • Challenge for Change (Kapiti Impact Trust) — Jun23
  • Cobblers Soup Lunch — Jun23
  • AphasiaNZ Charitable Trust — Apr23
  • Kāpiti Corrections Service — Mar23
  • Home4All — Feb23
  • Cancer Society Otaki — Jan23
  • Kāpiti Foodbank — Aug22
  • Otaki Birthright — Aug22
  • Birthright — Aug22
  • Boomerang — Mar21
  • CAMEO — Mar21
  • Grandparents Raising Grandkids — Mar21
  • Kāpiti Cottage — Mar21
  • Kāpiti Women's Centre and Women's Refuge — Mar21
  • Mary Potter Hospice — Mar21
  • Paraparaumu Community Midwife Support — Mar21
  • Te Ara Korowai — Mar21
  • Whirlwind — Mar21
  • Cancer Society — Feb20

1,061 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

95 Good Bitches

22 recipient organisations

$101,326 is the financial value of these boxes

GBB Kāpiti is supported by

Kapitit-DC-WCGB2x1.jpg Nikau-Foundation-2x1.jpg Paraparaumu-CB-2x1.jpg TGM2x1.jpg Z-GITH2x1.jpg