About GBB Tauranga

Head Bitch – Mary Norris

Established – August 2015

Email tauranga@gbb.org.nz

Tauranga Good Bitches bake AND deliver to our recipient organisations on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Recipient organisations:

  • Breast Cancer Support Services Tauranga Trust — Apr24
  • AphasiaNZ — Mar24
  • Kidz Need Dadz  — Feb24
  • Mums4Mums — Jul23
  • True Colours Honouring the Mother — May23
  • Awhina House — Feb21
  • Homes of Hope — Feb21
  • Neonatal intensive Care Unit  — Feb21
  • Rau O Te Huia Community Trust — Feb21
  • Te Tuinga Whanau — Feb21

413 boxes of treats in the past 12 months

86 Good Bitches

10 recipient organisations

$39,442 is the financial value of these boxes

GBB Tauranga is supported by

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